Less small fish to catch big fish.
Using little fish to catch big fish is a technique as old as fishing itself.
But if we look at resource priorities in the 21st century, it’s time to reconsider what we use for bait.
Rethinking bait
Multiple industry-wide projects are underway to produce non-fish bait that works on target quota species as well as the natural fish baits they might consider their go-to diet.
Using by-product from various industrial food processes, trials are underway to develop non-fish baits that work.
Beauline has won substantial public/private government funding to continue working towards new bait solutions.
Challenging bait types
As with any new technology, scaling up new solutions to meet the bait volume requirements for an industry are the main challenge.
Notwithstanding breakthoughs in science, Beauline continues to partner organisations that are working towards the deployment of workable non-fish bait solutions.